
We hope you find our links page helpful. If you find any errors or have any links that you may think would be helpful please contact us and we will add them to this page.


Popular Links

Newton Township:
Michigan DNR: 
Michigan DEQ: 

Calhoun County Links

Calhoun County Road Commission: 
Report a Road Problem:
Call: 269-781-9841

Aquatic Plant Management & Control Tools

Shoreline Living Magazine

Biological Control of Eurasian Watermilfoil: 
North American Lake Management Society: 
Michigan Natural Shoreline Partnership: 
Michigan Lake Information: 
Michigan Clean Water Corps:
Michigan's Clean Boats, Clean Waters program: 
The Michigan Riparian Magazine:
Great Lakes Phragmites Collaborative:
Calhoun Conservation District:
Kalamazoo Nature Center:
Midwest Invasive Species Information Network:

Grant Opportunities

Nonpoint Source Program:,1607,7-135-3313_3682_3714---,00.html
Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund:,1607,7-135-3313_3682_3714---,00.html 
Clean Water Revolving Fund and Strategic Water Quality Initiatives Fund:,1607,7-135-3307_3515_4143---,00.html
Inland Fisheries Grants:
Cooperative Lakes Monitoring Program:

Boater Safety

DNR - Who Needs To Take A Boater Safety Coarse:,1607,7-153-10365_10884-37311--,00.html 
The Official Michigan Online Boating Safety Course: 
The Official Michigan Boater Safety Handbook:


Tom Parker 
Phone: 773-255-9441


Kathy Doud
Phone: 269-788-2054


Cindy Parker  
Phone: 312-399-2556


Pat Pejakovich 
Phone: 269-9676361



Naturally Beautiful

Copyright © Lee Lake Association LLC. All Rights Reserved.